An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.
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THE SCHOOL Palmer Trinity School is an independent, college-preparatory, coeducational, Episcopal day school located on 60 acres in southwest Miami-Dade County. Established in 1972, Palmer Trinity School enrolls 800 Students in grades six through twelve. The School reflects both the metropolitan and suburban flavor of the city of Miami with 30 countries represented in its student body. Over seventy percent of the students are bilingual, and forty percent speak three or more languages. Palmer Trinity School seeks students of good academic potential and strong personal character in its commitment to fashion a diverse community. Upper School Enrollment: 490 Class of 2023: 120 members Ethnic Enrollment: 58% Hispanic, 32% Anglo, 4% Multiracial, 3% Black, 2% Asian, 2% Foreign Citizens (without dual U.S. citizenship), 1% Middle Eastern, 1% Native American Faculty with Advanced Degrees: 81% (20% with Terminal Degrees) ACCREDITATION Palmer Trinity School is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Southern Association of Independent Schools, and the Florida Council of Independent Schools. The school is licensed by the School Board of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida and is registered with the Florida Department of Education. The School holds memberships with NACAC, SACAC, ACCIS, GEBG, College Board, ERB, NASFA, NAIS, NAES, CSIET, NASSP, and SSATB. GLOBAL EDUCATION BENCHMARK GROUP Palmer Trinity is a founding member of the Global Education Benchmark Group. A group of 250 independent schools worldwide whose mission is the development of global citizens in our schools through global curriculum, experiences and institutional support. INDEPENDENT STUDY Independent Study caters to students who seek advanced and specialized course work not ordinarily available in the school's curriculum. The responsibility for selecting a topic, recruiting a faculty sponsor, and devising the course of study rests with the student. Approval of the course must come from the school's Academic Council. A grade for Independent Study averages on equal footing with grades for the student's other courses. Traditionally, over 20 students participated in the Independent Study program, doing research in all academic areas. Topics have included: Nordic Social Democracy, Middle Eastern Studies, Hegemonic Masculinity, Film Production, Artificial Intelligence, Spanish Philosophy, History of Cinema, American Poets, Magic in Literature, Scottish History and Politics, and History of Hip Hop. SEMESTER STUDY AWAY PROGR AMS Palmer Trinity School has sophomore study away programs with sister schools in Sydney, Australia; Madrid, Spain; Aix en Provence, France; Indore, India and Bengaluru, India. Students spend one full semester in a non-U.S. educational system, and courses are taught in the language of that country. Original transcripts from the foreign schools are provided to colleges without a United States or Palmer Trinity School conversion. Palmer Trinity also has partnerships with The Island School in The Bahamas and Alzar School in Chile. Original transcripts from those schools are provided. ROUND SQUARE Palmer Trinity is a member of the prestigious Round Square School International network. Round Square is a global group of 250 innovative schools in 40 countries across five continents. Round Square allows our students to have 4- to 8-week exchange opportunities during the academic year. Students who participate in these exchanges are responsible for all academic work missed while they are away. In addition, they must participate in and attend classes in their host countries. COLLEGE COUNSELING Danny Reynolds Associate Head of School Iraida Robledo Senior Associate Matt Levin Associate Director/Middle School Athletic Director Fabiola Mathelier Assistant to the Associate Head Brittney McCabe Associate Director Danielle Rivero Associate Director STANDARDIZED TESTING The range for middle 50% of the Class of 2023 for whom scores were reported: SAT Critical Reading: 580-730 Math: 600-700 ACT Composite: 26-32 In compliance with the Principles of Good Practice of the National Association of College Admissions Counseling, mean scores are not reported. * These ranges include ESOL students. 522 exams given to 225 students with a pass rate of 90% ADVANCED PLACEMENT SCORES FOR 2022-2023 2023-2024 Profile for College and University Admission 8001 S.W. 184 STREET, MIAMI, FL 33157 | (305) 969-4279 | WWW.PALMERTRINITY.ORG | CEEB: 101055 PATRICK ROBERTS, Head of School LETTER GR ADE NUMERICAL A 93–100 A- 90–92 B+ 87–89 B 83–86 B- 80–82 C+ 77–79 C 73–76 C- 70–72 D+ 67–69 D 63–66 D- 60–62 F 59 or below GR ADE SYSTEM Final grades are determined by calculating the average of each semester grade. Students must enroll in at least five academic classes per semester. Palmer Trinity School limits a student to two Advanced Placement courses a year, unless the student can meet the rigorous conditions for exception. Admission to these courses is a highly selective process, requiring that students demonstrate superior prior work in the discipline and obtain departmental approval. Students who enroll in Advanced Placement courses are expected to remain in those courses for the entire year. Each student enrolled in an Advanced Placement course must sit for the national examination in May. In 2021, Palmer Trinity began the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program with a small cohort. Since The Program is in its initial stages, limited HL Courses are available. As The Program evolves, more HL courses will be added. Class rank is not computed for purposes of college admission. Since each senior class is small, we view published rank as divisive within such a competitive population as ours. Because of the uniformly rigorous academic program, each graduate matriculates successfully at a four-year college or university. AP Courses and IBHL courses are weighted 1.0 and Honors Courses 0.5 in a weighted grade point average. Official Grades are available only at the end of each semester (January and May).