Palmer Trinity School

PTS452_College-Handbook-2023-24_R2 REVISED-05302024.0417pm COLLEGE ADVISING 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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P A L M E R T R I N I T Y S C H O O L C O L L E G E H A N D B O O K / 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 16 » Junior Questionnaire At the start of the process, it is extremely important to take a personal inventory of your academic and non-academic experiences. The junior questionnaire is the best tool to practice writing about yourself and record your thoughts on these topics. The questionnaire will be available on your SCOIR page. This document is seen only by your college advisor and must be completed before your first meeting. » Parent Questionnaire Parents can provide valuable insight into their child's performance at Palmer Trinity. Therefore, it is critical that all parents complete the parent questionnaire prior to the first family college advising appointment. This form will be available on your SCOIR page in January. » First College Advising Appointment After you and your parent(s) complete and submit your questionnaires, you may schedule your first college advising appointment. » Sign up for tests Be sure to sign up for all standardized tests early. The school will not register you for the ACTs, SATs—that is your responsibility. » Second College Advising Appointment At the second appointment, you and your counselor will discuss the specific colleges you have researched, refine your testing plan, and balance your research list with colleges from a variety of levels of selectivity and colleges that may meet the criteria you have identified but which you may not know much about. Please know that colleges and admissions criteria frequently change. » Course selection Be sure to talk to your college advisor about your courses for senior year. » Diagnostic Visits Plan to visit some colleges during the springtime (and during the summer). Try to see a range of colleges, including a large institution and a small college, a rural and an urban school. » Additional College Advising Appointments It will be important to try and make regular and fairly frequent appointments with your college advisor during your junior and senior year. The first semester of senior year will be very busy with the process of finalizing your list, completing your applications and your essays. Your college advisor will help you through this process so be sure to keep in close contact with him/her. » Teacher recommendations Be sure to request letters of recommendation from two of your junior year teachers early in the spring of your junior year. You can find Recommendation Request Forms in the College Advising Office, but you must attend your first college advising appointment with one or both of your parents in order to obtain them. You must complete these forms to formally request letters of recommendation. Both you and your recommender will sign the form. Leave the top half of the form with your recommender, and submit the bottom, signed portion to your counselor. Please be advised that many teachers will ask that you submit a resume to them before signing and officially accepting your request. SECTION 6 COLLEGE ADMISSION CRITERIA JUNIOR YEAR CHECKLIST T O B E C O M PL E T E D B E F O R E T H E E N D O F T H E J U N I O R Y E A R

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