Palmer Trinity School

PTS452_College-Handbook-2023-24_R2 REVISED-05302024.0417pm COLLEGE ADVISING 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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P A L M E R T R I N I T Y S C H O O L C O L L E G E H A N D B O O K / 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4 6 » Keep your college advisor up-to-date on all of your plans, progress, and results. » Communicate regularly with your counselor. PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES » Be open with your student. Discuss college plans, including finances, openly and honestly with your student early in the process. Share your position, thoughts, and questions with the college advisor. » Support and communicate with your student and his or her counselor. » Please complete the online parent questionnaire. This form will be available on your SCOIR account. It must be completed prior to scheduling a parent meeting during your child's junior year. This form adds greatly to our understanding of your student, which in turn enables us to write a better and more comprehensive counselor statement. » Be aware of deadlines and other requirements. » Help your student send official test scores to the colleges. Your student is responsible for sending test scores to the colleges that require them. » If possible, plan visits. Assist your student in visiting colleges of interest. » Fill out and file financial aid forms on time, if applying for financial aid. » Always keep the lines of communication open. Check with your son or daughter periodically about the progress of his/her college application process, testing, and information distributed at school. But please remember, too, that your child should own the college admissions process. A weekly college check-in between parents and students is a good way to balance the need to stay on top of the process with the goal of encouraging students to take responsibility for the process. » Above all, be supportive. COLLEGE ADVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES » Discuss college planning with the student and the parents and help the child to develop a schedule, testing plan, and, eventually, a balanced list that represents good matches. » Provide information about chances of admission to particular colleges. » Provide resources and opportunities for students and their families to learn about various colleges. » Help students stay informed about visitations, special events, open houses at colleges, deadlines, scholarships and testing. » Prepare a well-written counselor statement that portrays the candidate in a positive and honest light with an emphasis on strengths and patterns of growth where appropriate. » Prepare and send transcripts to colleges. » Serve as an advocate for Palmer Trinity students to the colleges. » Support and counsel students and parents throughout the college research, application, and selection process. » Send mid-year and final grade reports to colleges. "You want them to think about ' is this the right fit for me, rather than I SHOULD like this place because of the name or reputation, or because my friend/parent/teacher says so.' Will this school help them reach their full potential – academically and personally? Does this place empower them or diminish them?" ~ Christina Lopez, Barnard College

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