Palmer Trinity School

Aerie 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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B Y S OF I A B ENNE T T ' 2 4 P T S T H E A T R E N E W S In addition to this play, the theatre department prepared solos, scenes, and theater designs to take to the Florida Thespian competition. At district competition, the Junior and Senior troupe took home 16 Superior scores altogether, with two perfect scores for the solo musical performance by Katerina Morin '26 and the duet acting piece by Sofia Bennett '24 and Iliana Cardoso '24. They advanced to the State Competition in March. To finish off a successful year, PTS theatre put on the show Into the Woods with musical lyrics by Steven Sondheim. Another difficult show, the all-school cast performed exceptionally well and learned new styles of music and theatre. Seniors Hana Hernandez '24 and Salvatore Pizzolato '24 were given the opportunity to perform as Little Red Riding Hood and the Baker, respectively, challenging them theatrically and musically as leads. Overall, students learned new aspects of theatre, explored new characters, and scored highly in their competitions, signaling a successful year for the Palmer Trinity thespians. Curtain Ca Palmer Trinity students perform (top left) in "The Cagebirds" and "Into the Woods" which included an all school cast. Kicking off the year, Palmer Trinity School's theatre department brought in a strong cast of nine powerful actresses to put on the non-traditional one-act play, The Cagebirds. The play follows the story of imprisoned women reluctant to leave their "cage," when the character, the Wild One, is suddenly introduced. The Wild One uproots their traditional ideas of the cage, creating tension among the women that leaves an impactful message about society. A challenging piece, the cast learned to incorporate intense mannerisms and character quirks to bring the essence of the show to life. 11

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