Palmer Trinity School

Aerie 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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W H A T E X A C T L Y I S A " G L O B A L S C H O L A R I N R E S I D E N C E ? " I was named the PTS Global Scholar in Residence upon the retirement of our former esteemed colleague, Dr. Manjula Salomon, in the spring of 2022. As many of us in the Palmer Trinity community were aware at the time, it was not possible to fill Dr. Salomon's shoes. I had to try on my own and put my stamp on the position. We are grateful for the global pathway Dr. Salomon forged for our PTS community. As for the job description, I get asked that a lot! I consider the Global Scholar in Residence position to serve as the school's global thought leader who lives the mission of global scholarship both personally and professionally and harnesses their global network to elevate international experiential opportunities for the PTS community. By leveraging my own experiences and networks, I aim to enrich the educational journey of our students, preparing them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. D O O T H E R L O C A L P R I V A T E / I N D E P E N D E N T S C H O O L S H A V E A " G L O B A L S C H O L A R I N R E S I D E N C E " ? W H Y D O E S P T S F I N D I T I M P O R T A N T T O H A V E O N E ? The title is unique among independent schools. Many schools have a "Global Studies Director" or "International Education Coordinator." I consider these position titles to represent more of the transactional nature of running a global education program. While these tasks are important and necessary, I feel the title of "Global Scholar in Residence" more effectively captures the transformational spirit of what this position entails. It plays a crucial role in shaping the global mindset of our students, faculty, and community. By reinforcing global perspectives found in the fabric of our educational ethos, PTS recognizes the importance of fostering global competence, empathy, and cultural fluency, which are indispensable skills in the world we live in today. G L O B A L C I T I Z E N S I N T H E M A K I N G : T H E A C A D E M I C A N D C U LT U R A L A D VA N TA G E S O F S T U D E N T T R AV E L In our interview with Derek Smith, the school's Global Scholar in Residence, we uncover the importance of nurturing cultural fluency, and why Palmer Trinity focuses on cultivating a global mindset. Multi Layers of the Middle East Travel Experience, Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, March 2023 14 PALMERTRINITY.ORG B I R D S ' S E Y E V I E W

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