Palmer Trinity School

Aerie 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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Reflecting on my middle school years in the public school system, other students and I were never exposed to another language that wasn't Spanish or English. Upon enrolling at Palmer Trinity, I noticed the limited embrace of cultures beyond Latino or Hispanic heritage in other schools. Seeing the variety of language options on my course selection sheet at PTS pleasantly surprised me. I opted for Chinese, intrigued by East Asian languages and by the ever-growing popularity of the language. As I learned Chinese and connected with others through this language, I began to realize more deeply the importance of bridging the gap between cultures beyond what we already know. Learning languages isn't just about communication; it opens doors to diverse human experiences, enhancing problem- solving, and creativity. Multilingual- ism fosters global opportunities in business, diplomacy, and personal connections, all while nurturing cultural empathy. Language and culture intertwine, giving insight into customs, traditions, and worldviews, promoting tolerance, enriching personal experiences, and relationships. Learning languages is a journey of personal growth and enrichment. At the beginning, it can be very challenging to learn something new— which is how I felt when I started learning Chinese. However, it can also be very rewarding after you continually grow in learning the language. As you progress, you'll discover the joy of communicating in a new language, understanding literature and media from different cultures, and forming meaningful connections with people from around the world. In my Chinese learning journey, I've bonded with friends worldwide who share my interests. My Chinese teacher, Mrs. Yiran Liu, taught me a lot, and my global friends introduced me to trending Chinese pop culture. I feel like I see the world in a whole new light compared to when I started. With this, I encourage you all to pursue learning a different language in the years to come. Start with a language that interests you, whether spoken by your neighbors, a language you've encountered while traveling, or something you've always been curious about. Every word you learn brings you closer to a broader understanding of the world and opens doors to exciting opportunities in the future. And don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Every word you learn, and every conversation you have, brings you and all of us one step closer to a more interconnected and enriched society. For the Lunar New Year Convocation, senior Isabella Mora-Gonzalez shared a speech to encourage middle school students to learn other languages. Isabella was a Silver Knight nominee in the category of World Languages. EVERY CONVERSATION YOU HAVE BRINGS YOU, AND ALL OF US, ONE STEP CLOSER TO A MORE INTERCONNECTED AND ENRICHED SOCIETY." 19

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