Palmer Trinity School

Aerie 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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P T S W E L C O M E S A U S T R A L I A N E X C H A N G E S T U D E N T S In the fall, we welcomed exchange students from Australia, who started classes at PTS in September. We continue our two-decade partnership with Abbotsleigh School and our new partnership with St. Catherine's in Sydney. ยก F E L I C I T A C I O N E S , H A L C O N E S ! The Spanish Conference (FSSC 2024) was a great success! Our team of "halcones" (falcons in Spanish) delivered impressive performances in impromptu speeches, poetry declamation, regional customs, and dramatic presentations. This year, 32 schools from our state participated in two divisions and categories. Palmer Trinity competed in Division II, Category 3A. Out of 8 schools, PTS received first place (18 Outstanding, 5 Superior, Dramatic presentation: Superior)! P A L M E R T R I N I T Y H O S T S T H E S U N S H I N E B A N D F R O M G Y M N A S I U M H O C H R A D I N H A M B U R G The Performing Arts Department hosted the Sunshine Band from Gymnasium Hochrad in Hamburg, Germany. They performed for the school during Flex and then were paired with PTS students to tour and experience a day on campus. News Around Campus B I R D S ' S E Y E V I E W N E W S T U D E N T E X C H A N G E P R O G R A M W I T H L I C E O S O R O L L A I N T E R N A T I O N A L S C H O O L I N M A D R I D , S P A I N Palmer Trinity School is proud to announce the implementation of a new student exchange program with Liceo Sorolla International School in Madrid, Spain. This program seeks to build a cultural and linguistic bridge between students and families from the United States and Spain. 6 PALMERTRINITY.ORG B I R D S ' S E Y E V I E W B I R D S ' S E Y E V I E W

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