Palmer Trinity School

Aerie 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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Such a surprise and unexpected moment of joy through a profound connection. There are so many other synchronistic moments that I have had at this sacred place. C O N S C I O U S N E S S A N D C O N N E C T I O N S A few weeks ago, I was reading an article on Consciousness. Certainly a mystery to even scientists who study it. Scientists are searching for our consciousness connections. One writer and journalist reporting on the scientific discoveries, Susan Lahey states: "They've unlocked consciousness and it connects to the entire universe. That means your consciousness can connect or entangle with quantum particles outside your brain-anywhere in the universe-theoretically." (Popular Mechanics October 18, 2023) Additionally, Timothy Palmer, Royal Society Research Professor at Oxford in his article "Human Creativity and Consciousness: Unintended Consequences of the Brain's Extraordinary Energy Efficiency?" reveals: "Consciousness outside of ourselves;" we are all interconnected through our shared awareness. C O N N E C T I N G W I T H O U R A N C E S T R Y What a mystery and magical moment for all of us to recognize the power of our consciousness and how it connects us to the universe, and I would also add the Divine. Our connections are also with our ancestors. We are connected to them in our DNA but also in our mores and traditions. My parents instilled in me an appreciation of the power of friendship. Our relationships create richness in our lives. My Dad's ancestors were Quakers, Friends, who were Abolitionists and Pacifists. They provided me with a passion for people to be treated fairly and with compassion. My Mother's people were Anglicans; she shared her love of traditions, words and stories. One of her favorite authors was Alfred, Lord Tennyson who wrote in his poem Ulysses: "I am a part of all that I have met." Palmer Trinity is an important part of me. Each person I have encountered, each student I have taught and each colleague I have collaborated with about learning has influenced me on my journey. As I move to a different experience with my husband, I rejoice in the knowledge of my deep connection with this beloved community. T H E P O W E R O F C O N N E C T I O N B Y R E V. DR . M A R Y EL L EN C A S S INI Imagine my surprise at one of my very first Parent Meetings here to encounter David Schwedel, parent of Simone '23 and Wyatt '29 and Levi '29. David was a member of the first class of literature students I ever taught! He and I had a wonderful reunion, and I was so happy to meet his beloved wife, Maria who has also become a dear friend. AFTER 10 YEARS OF SERVICE TO PALMER TRINITY SCHOOL, Chaplain Mary Ellen Cassini who has played a pivotal role in the establishment of Trinity Chapel, transforming it into a sanctuary where all are embraced and welcomed, will embark on a new chapter alongside her husband, Charley, in Deerfield Beach. Additionally, Mary Ellen will continue to give of her time and serve the community at St. Joseph's Episcopal Church in Boynton Beach. THANK YOU, REV. DR. CASSINI FOR YOUR BOUNTIFUL GIFTS. 31

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