Palmer Trinity School

Aerie 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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B R O O K E L E M A I R E ' 0 9 WHAT DO YOU TEACH/DO AT PTS? I teach eighth and ninth-grade English courses and serve as an eighth-grade advisor. Previously, I worked in the Upper School Office. WHAT ASPECTS OF THE SCHOOL'S CULTURE OR VALUES DO YOU FIND MOST ENDURING OR MEANINGFUL, BOTH AS A STUDENT AND NOW AS A FACULTY/ STAFF MEMBER? PTS goes beyond providing a stellar education. As a student, I was made to feel that I was seen, heard, and valued every day. That emphasis on the importance of the mental, emotional, and social development of students is still strong. As a teacher, I strive to make every student feel welcomed and appreciated. All of the faculty and staff did that for me as a student, and I consider it a great responsibility to carry on that legacy because I know firsthand the lasting impact it has. WHY DID YOU COME BACK TO PTS TO WORK? Who wouldn't want to work in a place that values and appreciates them? I enjoy working with organizations that contributed to my education growing up. Prior to joining the PTS faculty, I promoted educational programs at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden and volunteered at South Miami Little House, the Girl Scout camp I attended as a child. Palmer Trinity's mission of nurturing learning and citizenship resonates deeply with me. HOW DO YOU BALANCE YOUR ROLES AS AN ALUM AND A MEMBER OF THE FACULTY/STAFF? DO YOU FIND ANY CHALLENGES OR ADVANTAGES IN THIS DUAL ROLE? One of the biggest challenges is calling my former teachers by their first names. The day I call Mr. Chapman by his first name will be the day pigs fly. On a more serious note, one of the advantages is conveying to students that I was once in their shoes, and I understand the opportunities and the hardships that come with being in school. I saved a lot of my old notes and assignments from my time as a student, and I'll sometimes bring them in to show my current students. It's really special to teach at the school you attended. It fills me with joy knowing that a new generation is able to attend PTS and get a fantastic education, make lifelong friends, and enrich their lives. FINALLY, IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE ABOUT YOUR UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE AS BOTH AN ALUM AND A CURRENT MEMBER OF THE PTS COMMUNITY? My love for PTS has grown even stronger since I started working here. This school gave me a great education and nurtured me throughout my teen years. I am grateful every day that I can contribute to ensuring this new generation of students has a positive experience and receives a great education. T A M A R A K I N G - F O S T E R ' 9 4 WHAT DO YOU TEACH/DO AT PTS? I teach Physical Education and Health for the seventh and eighth grade middle School. I also serve as the Head Track and Field and Cross Country Coach/ Director. WHAT ASPECTS OF THE SCHOOL'S CULTURE OR VALUES DO YOU FIND MOST ENDURING OR MEANINGFUL, BOTH AS A STUDENT AND NOW AS A FACULTY/STAFF MEMBER? The aspect of a loving family is the most important value to me, in addition the willingness to keep striving for excellence. A L U M N I N E W S 66 PALMERTRINITY.ORG

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