Palmer Trinity School


An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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Frequently unasked questions about why Palmer Trinity School needs both tuition and a donation. Q: My family is already paying tuition, and plenty of it. What does my child get when we donate money as well? A: e bottom line is this: Your gift supports the people and programs that make Palmer Trinity so special. is means talented teachers, small classes, up-to-date technology, and exceptional offerings in everything from the arts to athletics. While your child is in school, all this translates into more personal attention, increased intellectual stimulation, better discipline, and more rigor. In the future, it will mean greater credibility behind the academic credentials your child will possess throughout life. Gifts are necessary because tuition doesn't cover all the opportunities your child receives. at's why schools need endowments, auxiliary moneymaking activities such as summer camps, and, yes, fund-raising. Inevitably, the special offerings that prepare students for the 21 st century drive the budget up. So—just as universities and even public schools now do—Palmer Trinity must ask parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends for financial support. Q: Palmer Trinity School has beautiful grounds, lovely buildings, and many other pricey features. It sure doesn't look like it needs money. Why should I give? A: It's easy to overestimate how affluent schools are. If they charge $40,000 or more for tuition and enjoy attractive facilities, you may naturally assume that a school must be rich, the teachers are well-paid, and the financial needs are minimal. But for the vast majority of independent schools, tuition does not cover the full cost of educating a child. Q: How much should I give to the Annual Fund? A: We ask each family to consider giving at a level that is personally significant to them. Our giving levels are featured on the back of this brochure, and our hope is that each family will join a Leadership Circle level that best exemplifies their capacity to give. Q: When should I make my Annual Fund gift or pledge? A: To maximize the annual influence of our community's generosity, we ask that you consider making your gift during our Fall Annual Fund Drive. Although the fiscal year ends June 30, early commitment to the Annual Fund puts PTS in a great position to allocate resources for our children. 5

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