Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 41 } • e level of any class or School disruption caused by the student's behavior; • e number, if any, of cumulative prior infractions of School rules and regulations; • Whether the student has been previously disciplined; • Whether there were illegal substances (for example, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.); • Whether the student had been earlier warned about the same or similar conduct; • Whether there was a weapon or other dangerous item involved; • Whether the conduct is of the kind also prohibited by criminal law; and/or • Whether the student was honest and cooperative in connection with the investigation of the behavior. Detentions may be scheduled by Faculty or Administration. Examples of consequences include lunch detention, before or after school detention, Saturday school detention, in-school suspension and out-of-school suspension and expulsion. Students who arrive before or remain after regular school hours for disciplinary purposes must arrange their own transportation. Failure to report to a detention may result in an additional penalty. SATURDAY SCHOOL Students who have either broken school rules, including dress code violations, failed to report for a scheduled detention, skipped class, or committed an infraction deemed serious by the respective Dean, may be assigned Saturday School Detentions. A student who attends Saturday School for disciplinary reasons will spend the morning either on a work detail helping to maintain the campus or doing additional academic work. Students participating in Saturday School should arrive on campus at 9:00 a.m. in school uniform. Students will be fined $50.00 to be billed through the finance office. Saturday School will be held a minimum of once a month from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Students will be scheduled for the next available Saturday School. Once a Saturday School is scheduled, attendance is mandatory. If a student fails to attend or complete an assigned Saturday School, he/she will be subject to a suspension. SUSPENSION Suspension from school is the result of inappropriate behavior or violation of the School rules and may include, without limitation, smoking on campus, leaving campus without permission, theft, fighting, computer tampering etc. While serving the suspension, a student: • Will be counted as absent from all the classes he/she misses. • Will be required to hand in all missed assignments including tests and quizzes. • Will not be allowed to participate in or attend any after-school activities. • Will not be permitted to return to campus until the suspension is complete. A student placed on suspension will be placed on behavioral or honor probation and be required to schedule a re-entry appointment upon returning to school.

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