Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 43 } REPORTING OF INFR ACTIONS TO COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES AND SCHOOLS Students and parents are responsible for understanding the obligation to update information in a student's college application pursuant to the college's or university's reporting guidelines. Many colleges and universities require that students immediately report the following incidents which may have occurred after application and/or acceptance: (1) disciplinary matters for which a consequence has been given; (2) arrests, convictions, or other legal changes; and (3) circumstances under which a student was withdrawn from School to avoid the possibility of a disciplinary infraction. e student and/or parent are responsible for complying with the college/university requirements. It is important for the student and parent to realize that the School and/or the student's college counselor may also inform the college or university of such an incident. CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES A student engaging in conduct that is defined under law as a civil infraction, a serious misdemeanor or a felony (whether charged by law enforcement or not) is grounds for expulsion. Violations of law that occur off-campus during the school day will be subject to review under school rules. Violations of law that occur after the school day may also be subject to review under school rules. In the case of offenses that occur at the end of the school year, the School may require punishments to be served during the summer. Transcripts and other reports pertaining to the student's academic standing will be withheld until the completion of the assigned punishment. All decisions involving suspension or expulsion are subject to the final approval of the Head of School and the division head. DESTRUCTIVE ACTS Students should govern their actions by the values of respect for self, person, and property. us, any destructive actions, including setting fires, causing damage to property, stealing property, harming others, serious threats to harm others, or similar conduct is prohibited. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL POLICY e Palmer Trinity School Mission Statement includes a commitment to the moral, spiritual, and physical growth of all members of our school community. e use, possession, sale, distribution, or purchase of alcoholic beverages or other mind altering substances or possessing drug paraphernalia on or near campus or a School-sponsored event violates the spirit of our mission statement, undermines one of the guiding principles of our community and is prohibited. Off premises use, possession, sale, distribution, or purchase of alcoholic beverages or other mind altering substances is also prohibited. For purposes of this policy, "mind altering substances" includes any type of substance ingested, snorted, smoked or inserted into one's body that may impact the individual in some way. Such substances include, without limitation, alcohol, legal or illegal substances (including medical marijuana pursuant to a prescription or physician certification), over the counter salts, spices, vapors, incense, or other similar items. Students jeopardize their continued enrollment in Palmer Trinity School should they choose to bring to school, use, sell, distribute, purchase, or have alcohol or other mind altering substances in their possession. Such actions may result in immediate expulsion and any other appropriate legal action may be taken. is policy includes any school-sponsored travel or event, regardless of the local laws of the destination.

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