Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 52 } INVESTIGATIONS Students are expected to cooperate in investigations. Students are expected to be honest, but honesty is not necessarily a mitigating factor and students' own statements may be used against them. Failure to cooperate with an investigation may be cause for disciplinary action. If a student refuses to participate or cooperate at any stage of an investigation, or is unable to do so for whatever reason, including without limitation, pending criminal charges, the school reserves the right to take action, including proceeding without a statement from the student, or to require the student to withdraw from school. WITHDR AWAL, EXPULSION, OR TERMINATION OF A STUDENT It is hoped that a child enrolled in Palmer Trinity School will remain in the School until he or she has completed the twelfth grade. e school may, however, find it necessary to terminate the enrollment of a student because of academic or behavioral difficulties, or because the parents' philosophy of education is not in harmony with that of the School, for reasons set forth in this Handbook, or for other legitimate reasons as determined by the Head of School. Palmer Trinity School reserves the absolute and unconditional right to suspend, expel, and/or deny re-enrollment to any student whose behavioral or academic performance is deemed to be undesirable. Students should not bring discredit to the name of the School by their behavior inside or outside the School. e School further reserves the right to expel or require the withdrawal of any student at any time for reasons that the School administration considers detrimental to the School community, student, or to other students of the School; where the School determines that a student's actions, record of citizenship or scholarship is not in keeping with school standards; or for non-payment of outstanding charges or obligations; or as otherwise provided in the School's policies, rules, and regulations. Such expulsion or withdrawal shall not allow or result in the refund, waiver, or abatement of any tuition fees paid or any future installments due under the student's Enrollment Contract. In the case of a student withdrawn from the School by the parents in the course of a semester, no tuition refund will be made unless the parents have tuition insurance. If tuition or fee payments are in arrears, a student may be suspended from classes until satisfactory arrangements for payment are made. If no such arrangements can be made, the student's enrollment may be terminated. In the event of a withdrawal, expulsion, or termination of a student for any reason, the parent is asked to return the driving decal(s) to the appropriate office. SOCIA L MEDIA A ND SOCIA L NET WOR K ING POLICIES A ND PROCEDUR ES Social media encompasses a broad array of online activity including social networks/media such as Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, GroupMe, Snapchat, YouTube, blogs, and other similar online or Internet communications. Because this form of communication is vast and growing, we feel it is important to communicate to you the School's position regarding a student's use of social media or networking.

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