Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 69 } • Any medication that must be administered during a travel, either over the counter or prescribed, requires the Medication Authorization Form with physician's signature for both over-the-counter and prescription medication to be on file with the Nurse's Office. e first dose of any new prescription must be given at home. All prescription medications must be properly labeled with pharmacy label intact. If ordered by the student's physician, an EpiPen/inhaler/AED must be provided and carried by the student. Over the counter medications are to be sent in the original container and labeled with student's name. • On overnight travel, students will be assigned a nightly curfew. Students are expected to be in their own rooms with the lights out at this time and their doors locked. Bed checks will be made. Students may not leave their hotel room for any reason once bed checks are made. • Students are prohibited from having members of the opposite sex or their boyfriend, girlfriend, or romantic interest in their rooms at all times. • Students are responsible for any damage or misappropriation of hotel property. Should any damage or property loss occur, the student will be held liable for restitution. • Students are responsible for any damage or misappropriation of transportation property. Should any damage or property loss occur, the students will be held liable for restitution. • Students must be on time for all scheduled events and activities. Students cannot deviate from the travel itinerary. • Students are responsible for the contents of their travel luggage and should not bring any personal property of value. • e school, vendors, travel provider, lodging, etc. are not liable for the loss, damage, theft or misplacement of students' personal property. • While cell phones are allowed for the duration of the travel, the respective Dean of Students, travel leader, and chaperones reserve the right to remove them if necessary. • Students are to remain at all times with their assigned travel leader and group. TR AVEL GR ANTS Travel experiences will offer need-based financial aid for existing pre-qualified CLARITY applicants. It will be the decision of the committee of travel leaders to divide the grant(s) as they see fit. It should be noted that travel leaders may not fundraise for their programs as this violates the School's Acceptable Use Policy. Middle School students may benefit from one travel assisted experience and Upper School students may benefit from two during their time at Palmer Trinity. is includes, but not limited to: conferences, workshops, and competitions. Preference will be given to those students who have not been provided with a travel grant prior. Children of faculty and staff (tuition remission) may be eligible for travel grants if they submit tax returns from the previous year and complete the CLARITY financial forms to the director of financial aid as do students who are awarded financial aid at the School. e director of financial aid will notify the travel leader of the family's ability to pay for the experience after all forms have been received. After a student has gone through the approval process and if they are selected to travel, they will be notified of their grant by the travel leader.

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