Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 76 } LEARNING ACCOMMODATIONS Katie Lamiell, Learning Resource Specialist x115 Emily Keunen, Learning Resource Specialist x152 A student with a DSM diagnosis made by a licensed professional may be entitled to accommodations. Most tests can be completed within the one-hour class time, allowing an additional 50% time. If additional time is required, students approved for such accommodations are responsible for making mutually agreeable arrangements with their teachers. e accommodation must not interfere with the student's work in other classes and students may not miss any part of another class to complete an extended time test. Extended testing time, as with all testing, is subject to adherence to the Honor Code for Palmer Trinity School. To be considered for learning accommodations, the parent must bring a copy of a recent (within 3 years) educational evaluation from the psychologist to the Learning Specialist. Accommodations are based on a recent, signed psychoeducational evaluation or on a medical diagnosis, IEP and/or 504 Plan. Learning Specialist will verify that the documentation meets basic guidelines and will notify teachers that the student qualifies for accommodations. A Psycho-educational evaluation alone does not automatically result in accommodations. e following are also taken into consideration when establishing the need for school-based accommodations. 1.) Demonstrated need in one or more classes for 9-12 weeks; 2.) Grades are significantly affected; 3.) Evidence that other interventions have been tried. e Learning Specialist will collect and evaluate data to substantiate the need for accommodations through records review, teacher and advisor interviews, questionnaires, and surveys, and classroom observation. In order for a student to be afforded extended testing time on Midterms, documentation must be submitted before November 15. In order for a student to have extended testing time on Finals, documentation must be submitted before May 1. Palmer Trinity School makes every reasonable effort to provide the best possible learning environment for all of its students. In order to maintain a strong college preparatory curriculum, however, not all suggested accommodations can be made. Below is a list of the example accommodations that may be afforded at Palmer Trinity. • Extended time on tests. • Preferential classrooms seating. Arranging seating away from distractions (other students, the door, window, etc.). • Distributing tests one page at a time so that the student is not overwhelmed. • Breaking a test into two parts – class time for first part; after school for the second part. • Testing in small group or quiet room. Please discuss concerns with the appropriate Learning Specialist. If a student is eligible to receive educational accommodations at Palmer Trinity School, an Academic Support Plan (ASP) will be developed. A copy of the ASP will be shared with the parent. A copy of the ASP will be shared with the teachers having a direct educational interest in the student. e actual report of psychoeducational evaluation will remain in a separate confidential file in the office of the Learning Specialist. Procedures for approval for accommodations on standardized tests.

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