Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 89 } STUDENT RECORDS AND INFORMATION Requests for student records and transcripts must be directed in writing to the Registrar's Office. e School reserves the right to withhold student transcripts and records for non-payment of tuition or fees. e School will also require the parent to sign a consent form before a student's transcript or other records/ information will be released. e School makes reasonable efforts to ensure that both natural parents (or legal guardians) receive substantially the same information (transcripts, records, appointments, etc.). e School must rely upon the correctness and completeness of parental information when the student is enrolled. In situations of divorced or separated parents, if one parent believes that the other parent is not entitled to receive certain information, the parent wishing to restrict information provided by the School must provide the School with a court order that is still in effect that specifically restricts the other parent from receiving such information. PRINCIPLES AND EXPECTATIONS RELATING TO THE PARENT/SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP We have ten expectations that we believe will help us to have a positive and cooperative relationship throughout the entire school year: (1) As a part of our joint role to help students grow and mature, parents are expected to encourage their student to address perceived inequities appropriately and independently, including reporting if necessary. (2) Parents must cut the constant phone ties from their students. Let your student make decisions on their own without the constant need for parental reinforcement. Sometimes they will make a decision that is different from the one you would have encouraged. at's fine too. (3) Students must learn to seek assistance from an adult on campus for academic, athletic, or other assistance. We have resources for your student for this purpose, including the student's advisor, mentor, or other person installed on campus. (4) When parents contact the school without the student's knowledge ("John doesn't know I'm calling, but..."), the school may need to address the issue directly with the student. We cannot promise you that we will maintain confidentiality over your phone call. Refer to expectation number one. (5) e School will typically investigate issues and question students without the parent's presence. is helps us move quickly to resolve issues. (6) Although your student's issue is important, concerns take time to address. Please be patient and do not call repeatedly for an update. (7) Please do not ask us to tell you about discipline imposed on other students. We would not disclose discipline of your student to others and expect that you understand the same principle applies to other students. (8) e School will not communicate everything that occurs in the student's daily life to a parent. We have a lot of students under our care (including your student) that we need to ensure are safe, secure, and happy. We expect that you would like our attention to be focused there.

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