Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 37 } VIOLATIONS An honor violation is an act inconsistent with the ideals and values of Palmer Trinity School. e seriousness of each act is determined on an individual basis by the Office of the Dean of Students. If a student commits a dishonorable act, a conscientious attempt to rectify the situation, made before any knowledge that the actions may have come under suspicion, may be considered a mitigating factor. e Division Head in consultation with the Head of School and/or Dean of Students has discretion on what goes to the Council. Honor violations include, but are not limited to: Plagiarism – Any use of another's ideas, work, or words without credit to its source is plagiarism, and is a specific violation of the Honor Code. Whenever a student uses the ideas of another (including computer sources, magazines, journals, books, recordings, personal interviews, etc.) within his/her work, he/she must give credit to the source using the appropriate and accepted citations guidelines according to the academic department's policies, which may be obtained from the department head, librarian, or teacher. Cheating – e unauthorized giving or receiving of information or academic materials constitutes an act of cheating. Receiving and/or giving help on tests, quizzes, papers, projects, homework, class work, or other work, unless specifically permitted by the teacher, is an Honor Code violation. Discussion of general or specific information pertaining to all graded material that may be overheard by those who have not yet completed the assignment is also a violation of the Honor Code. Cheating also includes the representation of another person's work as one's own, including the help of tutors or Artificial Intelligence (AI). Unauthorized use of study aids – Study aids are an appropriate form of review of material already read and/or studied in the classroom. Study aids may be used as test preparation sources unless students are otherwise instructed by the teacher. e use of a study aid as a substitute for assigned study is unauthorized and a punishable honor violation. Lying – e act of deceiving others by intentionally falsifying a written and/or spoken statement. In addition, purposeful omission and making statements that are exaggerated or intentionally misleading are deceitful and punishable forms of lying. Stealing – e act of taking the property or belongings of others. is includes school property and personal possessions. Vandalism – e destruction or defacing of any school or personal property is vandalism, and is not only an honor violation, but potentially punishable by law. Palmer Trinity School will not tolerate the vandalism of personal property. Inappropriate conduct – Inappropriate conduct on or off-campus, or on social media, when representing Palmer Trinity School, when interacting with other classmates, or when participating in any kind of activity that is sponsored by or related to the School is subject to action by the Honor Council. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to, conduct or speech that might reasonably be deemed offensive, rude, or disrespectful, or that in any way reflects poorly on the values and mission of Palmer Trinity School.

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