Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 39 } HONOR PROBATION Serious honor offenses that do not result in expulsion may result in a student being placed on Honor Probation. An Upper School student on Honor Probation is warned that any future violation is likely to come before the Honor Council and may result in the student's expulsion. A Middle School student on Honor Probation is warned that any future violation is likely to come before the Head of Middle School, who in turn may recommend to the Head that he/she be expelled. Students on Honor Probation may be excluded from travel, class trips, and other school activities. Palmer Trinity School is obliged to report the nature of an offense to any college(s) and other schools to which a student placed on Honor Probation may apply. CODE OF CONDUCT Brook De Melo Gomes, Upper School Dean of Students x124 Natalia Zurcher, Middle School Dean of Students x258 Traci Holstein, Associate Dean x108 e primary goals of discipline are personal growth and responsibility and the development of self-esteem. When a student exhibits behavior that is not safe, responsible, honest, considerate or respectful of the rights of other individuals and/or of property, the issue will be addressed with the student and disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including expulsion. In appropriate circumstances, as determined by the School, the student will be given the opportunity to demonstrate that he/she has learned from his/her mistake and may be asked to make a positive contribution to the School community. e interpretation of all rules pertaining to conduct and appearance shall be at the discretion of the Deans of Students. e standards of student conduct are designed to provide students with guidance to help them meet the goals and expectations of our community. e list of rules and policies should be read carefully. Violations will result in serious consequences, up to and including suspension or expulsion from School. Students may also be held responsible for any damage or harm that they cause to individuals, property, and/or the School community at large. ON AND OFF-CAMPUS BEHAVIOR e School does not seek to unnecessarily involve itself in a student's off-campus behavior. However, the School reserves the right to take action with respect to off-campus behavior when it deems necessary, including, without limitation, when that off-campus behavior impacts the student's ability to continue at School, impacts other students' or employees' ability to be comfortable at School, compromises the welfare of other students, or damages the reputation of the School. e policies and standards apply at all times a student is enrolled in the School, including when a student is on campus, on the school or athletic bus,or in the immediate vicinity of campus; any time a student is participating in or attending a School-sponsored event on or off campus; any time a student is officially representing the School; any time a student is traveling on behalf of the School; and in the evenings, on weekends, and during school breaks, including summer break. In addition, the School regards any behavior prejudicial to the best interests of the School, its students, and its employees whether at School or elsewhere, as sufficient grounds for a disciplinary response. Consistent application of disciplinary policies is sought, although each situation is judged on its merits, and every effort will be made to ensure that decisions are not arbitrary.

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