Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 60 } Note about Web Content Protection Web content management and filters are enabled within school premises only. While no filtering system is foolproof, Palmer Trinity School constantly strives to maintain a safe and productive technology experience. Users attempting to view or browse any restricted sites will be prompted with a warning message and the site will be immediately blocked. We expect users to act responsibly in their searches and to immediately disengage from any materials that are inappropriate and to report the situation to the faculty member or administrator in charge of the activity. Obtaining material that is explicitly labeled, as not intended for minors will be considered a violation of School rules. Furthermore, making public or passing on any material that is pornographic, violent in nature, or otherwise harassing is totally unacceptable and will be dealt with immediately by the appropriate administrator. Although PTS Web- email communication is randomly monitored by the School, Palmer Trinity School does not monitor or control access to the Internet from home. Repairs/Unsupported Software Any student, who loads software on their computer not provided by Palmer Trinity School, must be able to provide the School with the proper software license prior to loading such software. e TechZone has no obligation to provide support or troubleshooting for software that is not part of the School's license package. Services for software problems will be limited to restoration of the School provided software to its original state. Depending on the nature of the problem, the student may not have the opportunity to save data from the computer before software restoration, Students should always backup their work. e school (either directly or through third parties) reserves the right to search and inspect the computer and contents during the repair process. e TechZone may remove unsupported software at any time. Palmer Trinity School prohibits installation of any software if it conflicts with the approved school software package or adversely affects the computer or the network. Re-imaging a computer more than twice during the school year due to the installation of unsupported software will result in a $25.00 fee accompanied by a parent conference. School's Right to Inspect e School reserves the right to inspect user directories for inappropriate files and to remove them if found and to take other appropriate action if deemed necessary, including notification of parents. e School also reserves the right to inspect any personal electronic devices, including, without limitation, cellphones, laptops and wireless tablet computers, brought onto campus, to a School-related event, or used at or away from School for school work on a regular or intermittent basis. In such case, students must provide any passwords to inspect the device upon request by a School administrator. Students and their parents consent to the School logging into the device and its contents and applications, as well as accessing all communications, including, without limitation, stored communications. Students should also be aware that if they use their computer for personal as well as school purposes, their personal information may become co-mingled with their schoolwork. Do not assume that any messages or materials on your computer or the School's systems are private.

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