Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 80 } of the School community, parents should report to their Division Head if their child has a confirmed communicable disease that poses a risk to others in the School community. e Florida Department of Health shall be notified when a student is sent home because of a communicable disease. In case of student absence due to the reportable communicable disease, a release card from the Department of Health or a letter from the family physician indicating that the Department of Health regulations have been fulfilled must be presented when the student returns to school (indicating that the student is no longer infectious). e School will generally not identify an infected student to School employees or other students or their parents, although public health guidance will guide the School's communications. It may be necessary to alert others in the community who were in certain areas or at certain times that exposure could have occurred. e School will disclose sensitive medical information of students no further than is necessary to ensure the health and safety of our employees, students, parents, and visitors in a manner consistent with applicable law. e School will comply with all federal and state laws in regard to confidentiality and privacy requirements. MEDICATIONS All medication (prescription and over the counter) must be locked up in the clinic. No student may self- medicate. (Students with asthma may have their inhaler in their possession. e nurse must have a signed parental authorization form on file in the clinic, stating the name of the inhaler and instruction for use.) Students with allergies that have EpiPens prescribed may have them in their possession, but must have a second EpiPen kept in the clinic. Parents or guardians must complete a Palmer Trinity medication authorization form outlining their child's medications, dosage, strength, and time to be taken. All medications must be in their original container with the student's name clearly labeled. Any new medications brought on campus must be registered with the nurse and locked in the clinic. Medications may not be shared with other students. It is a state law that the Medication Authorization Form be signed by a physician's for both over-the- counter and prescription medication. No over-the-counter medication will be administered if the form is not signed by the student's physician (state law does not permit verbal consent for medication administration). If the child should require any over-the-counter medication a parent must bring it in and administer it themselves or may need to pick up the student from school if the form is not signed by a physician. It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the School nurse of any health changes of their child. HEALTH INFORMATION SHARING Parents and student agree, as a condition of continued enrollment, to consent to the release of any of the student's health related information, including information relating to drug treatment, testing, medical and mental health records, to employees or agents of the School, as determined by the Head of School or his or her designee, to meet the medical or safety needs of the student and the community or the legal responsibilities of the School. e School will maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security of all health-related information within its care or custody. While it is the obligation of the School to safeguard student medical information, we must also balance matters of privacy and confidentiality

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