Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 88 } PA LMER TR INIT Y SCHOOL CA MPUS STOR E DieHards x287 Our Campus Store offers a wide range of Palmer Trinity Falcons spirit gear, including sweaters, crewnecks, shirts, hats, accessories, drinkware, and more. We're open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 3:45 pm. Students can pay using major payment methods: credit cards, co-branded debit cards, Apple Pay, PayPal, Discover, Google Pay, Mastercard, Shop Pay, and Visa. Please note, charging items to student accounts is not currently available. LOST A ND FOUND Lost property may be claimed in the lost and found, which is located outside room 119. Periodically, unclaimed items will be donated to local organizations. OTHER IMPORTA NT POLICIES A ND INFOR M ATION STUDENT HOUSING It is the School's position that in order for students to have the foundation necessary to excel in school and other endeavors, students must have appropriate living accommodations, support, and supervision. As a result, the School requires that all students, regardless of age, continuously live with a parent or Florida court-appointed legal guardian at least 25 years of age so long as the student is enrolled at the School. Failure to do so will result in the student's dismissal from the School. Living with friends, distant relatives, nannies, by themselves, etc. is not acceptable. ere will be no refund of tuition where such enforced withdrawal occurs. A parent or legal guardian must immediately notify the School should a student's living arrangements change during the school year. e School reserves the right to request at any time and from time to time, satisfactory proof (in the School's sole discretion) of a Student's living arrangements, including, without limitation, verification of with whom the student lives and where the student is living. SCHOOL CLOSURE OR MODIFICATIONS DUE TO A FORCE MAJEURE EVENT Should events beyond the control of the School, including, but not limited to, any fire, act of God, hurricane, tornado, flood, extreme inclement weather, explosion, war (including armed conflict), governmental action, act of terrorism, risk of infectious illness, epidemic, pandemic, shortage or disruption of necessary utilities (water, electricity, etc.), or any other event beyond the School's control, occur, the School has the discretion to close the School and/or modify its operations, curriculum, schedules (including, without limitation, the provision of instruction on Saturdays and/or Sundays), length of school day, length of school year, and/or means of learning and teaching methods. e family's contractual financial obligations for tuition and fees remain in full force and effect. Should the School close, the School's duties and obligations shall be suspended immediately without notice until such time as the School, in its sole and reasonable discretion, may safely reopen. If the School cannot reopen due to a force majeure event, the School is under no obligation to refund any portion of tuition paid.

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