Palmer Trinity School

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An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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2 0 2 4 – 2 0 25 S T U D E N T G O V E R N M E N T A S S O C I A T I O N — a n d — C L A S S O F F I C E R S E X ECU T I V E BOA R D President Julianne Hartigan Vice President Mario Paredes Secretary Olivia Balarezo Treasurer Ignacio Del Hierro Spirit Chair Lucia Infante Community Service Chair Brynne Sullivan Media Director Ayo Williams Club Coordinator Eloise Miles Historian Luke Assalone M I DDL E SCHOOL SG A President Madison Valls Vice President Samantha Mekras Secretary Emmanuel Arias Treasurer Maria Josefina Mazzone Community Service Dafna Greenberg 7 th grade executive board representative Jose Miguel Muniz Cruz SE N IOR C L A S S Class of 2025 President Lara Penzini Vice President Lia Advent Secretary Ana Iglesias Treasurer Nicola Campiani Spirit Natalia Reyes Community Service Silvana Saavedra Historian Anabella Dodd J U N IOR C L A S S Class of 2026 President Carolina Egea Vice President Marielle Lopez-Negrete Secretary Larissa Pascon Bastos Treasurer Rafael Guinot Spirit Samantha Gowa Community Service Beatriz Lindenberg Historian Griffin Siegel SOPHOMOR E C L A S S Class of 2027 President Isabella Bayas Vice President Camilo Herrera Secretary Nicole Schachter Treasurer Mariana Mendoza Spirit Lennon Maher Community Service JP Bracamontes Historian Claire Assalone F R E SH M E N C L A S S Class of 2028 President Ricardo Arencibia Vice President Sofia Guilarte Secretary Lyla Shirazi Treasurer Ana-Sofia Benitez-Santiago | 2 | S C H O O L P L A N N E R

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