Palmer Trinity School

Aerie 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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Lead Wh Love "I realized that so many of the things people know about the U.S. are wrong, and how assumptions and the internet can really affect your view of a place. I saw how their culture can affect their daily life and who they are. On this trip, I got to know people from PTS I wasn't as close with, which was fun." –MIA REPENNING '28, NEW ZEALAND, DECEMBER 2023 " This trip was memorable because I was able to come together with a group of people from my school and get to know everyone as a friend. It was also an amazing experience with our endeavors in Model United Nations because we got to make connections with a school from abroad and form an international alliance that we hope to continue with later." –SOFIA REED-GOMES '25, LISBON, NOVEMBER 2023 " The diverse landscapes we saw in Namibia are what made this trip memorable. Since we went to so many different areas of the country with our group, I could see an array of ecosystems and scenery. The grasslands had an abundance of animals I had never seen, as well as awe-inspiring sunsets. The dunes at the desert were like nothing I had ever seen and was truly an out-of-this-world experience. I learned a lot of resilience and patience." –AUBREY SANKO '26, NAMIBIA, MARCH 2024 S T U D E N T T R AV E L : I N T H E I R O W N W O R D S What I love most about PTS is the extent to which global education is valued and cherished here, arguably more than any school I have encountered in the United States. PTS truly embraces the international nature of the city of Miami. I feel I have one foot in the U.S. and one foot overseas here in south Florida, and this is right where I want to be! Most importantly, the leadership here at PTS is some of the very best I have worked for anywhere. When Mr. Roberts reminds us to "Lead With Love," he truly embodies this philosophy and this mantra permeates throughout our school. At PTS, I have found a vibrant and inclusive community that fosters intellectual curiosity and integrity rooted in our Episcopal foundation. The school's commitment to cultivating global citizenship sets it apart as a truly exceptional learning environment. I am privileged to be a part of the PTS community and am continually inspired by the passion and dedication of our students, faculty, and staff. H A V I N G W O R K E D I N O T H E R C O U N T R I E S , W H A T D O Y O U N O T I C E I S U N I Q U E A B O U T P T S A N D I T S S T U D E N T S / C O M M U N I T Y / E N V I R O N M E N T ? 16 PALMERTRINITY.ORG B I R D S ' S E Y E V I E W

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