Palmer Trinity School

Aerie 2024

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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"This year, I revisited a place I first got to know on a previous trip for the THIMUN conference. I was already familiar with the Quant hotel and charming towns, but this time I noticed all the little details I had missed back in 2023. It was lovely to go back to a place that had once felt new and now felt like a second home in a distant land." –SOFIA REED-GOMES '25, THE HAGUE/AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, JANUARY 2024 " I learned the value of learning about the country you're in. I lived in Germany, but I learned more on this trip than in the two and a half years I was there. I've always had trouble opening up, and this trip helped me open up to more people and make friends." –DIEGO SOCARRAS '26, GERMANY, FEBRUARY 2024 " One valuable lesson I learned from my experience in China is the importance of open- mindedness and kindness. The genuine warmth and kindness of the people I met made my trip to China truly memorable. Feeling welcomed and safe, I had the opportunity to engage with others in a new language. This experience opened up a whole new world of connection for me. The beauty of China's culture left a lasting impression on me, and I am definitely planning to return in the near future. –ISABELLA MORA-GONZALEZ '24, CHINA, MARCH 2024 " It was definitely one of the most enjoyable trips I've ever been on because I got to learn a lot of new things. I had really cool experiences like seeing waterfalls, geysers, a geothermal lagoon that we actually got to go inside, glacier hiking, Icelandic ponies, and we even went dog sledding, which might've been my favorite part of the trip! On this trip, I learned to always be open to trying new things, because you will regret it if you aren't." –KATELYN FLANAGAN '29, ICELAND, MARCH 2024 " Interacting with this unique culture made me appreciate what I have in my life and the opportunities I am given. I learned to value what I have since there are more unfortunate people." –VICTORIO LORANDI '26, NAMIBIA, MARCH 2024 " My favorite experience was cooking in Crete. It was fascinating to see how olive oil is produced in the traditional way. This trip has helped us become more aware of the culture." –NOELANI SADLER '24, GREECE, MARCH 2024 17

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