Palmer Trinity School

PTS465_Handbook-2024-2025_Digital_8.5x11_R6 (1)FINAL

An independent, college preparatory, co-ed, Episcopal Day School serves a community of students in grades 6-12.

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{ 55 } COMPUTER USAGE Technology Use Policy for Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School believes that the proper use of technology can transform a classroom, allowing students to be more active participants in their own educational process. e Internet is an ever-growing collection of linked computer networks around the world. Palmer Trinity students have access to this incredible source of information through, among other things, their wireless tablet computers. All persons using the School's computers, the School's computer systems, or personal computers (including, without limitation, wireless tablet computers) on School property or over the School's systems are required to abide by the following rules. is policy also applies to the use of any personal electronic devices (cell phones, computers, cameras, iPhones, iPads, video cameras, etc.) on School property or at a School-related event or used at or away from School for school work on a regular or intermittent basis. e use of the Internet in school is a privilege, and with this privilege comes responsibility. To this end, Palmer Trinity will hold a network user responsible for unacceptable uses of the network. Failure to abide by these rules will result in appropriate disciplinary action determined by the School administration. All computers, technology resources, and personal electronic devices should be used in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. Violations of the following guidelines may result in the revocation of access privileges and possible disciplinary responses, including expulsion for serious offenses. Palmer Trinity School reserves the right to search student's computers for any reason at any time. e School reserves the right to monitor all data transmitted through or contained in its computer and network systems to protect the integrity of the systems and to ensure compliance with all policies, rules, and regulations governing the use of the computer and network systems. Furthermore, the School reserves the right to refuse computing services at any time. GOOGLE APPS FOR EDUCATION (INCLUDING GOOGLE EMAIL) Palmer Trinity School provides students with Google Apps for Education accounts on the student's required system. Google Apps for Education includes web-based programs like email, document creation tools, shared calendars and collaboration tools. is service is available through an agreement between Google and Palmer Trinity School. Google Apps for Education runs on an Internet domain purchased and owned by the School, intended for educational use. At School, Google Apps runs on the School's encrypted and authenticated Wi-Fi network and the student's required system will be provided with credentials to access the Wi-Fi. While this Wi-Fi provided network is encrypted/authenticated, and multiple protection measures are implemented, all computer systems are subject to being hacked. In addition, the School monitors the computer and the traffic over the network. Accordingly, students should expect no privacy in the use of any of the School provided Wi-Fi networks and use the School's Wi-Fi at entirely their own risk. Students are not permitted to connect any other devices to this encrypted/authenticated Wi-Fi. Teachers will use Google Apps for lessons, assignments, collaboration, and communication. Google Apps for Education is available at home, the library, or anywhere with Internet access. Access to Google Apps for Education is available from any device with Internet connection. Palmer Trinity will randomly monitor usage of Google Apps when students are in school, including, without limitation, email, internet history and printing history. While email communication can never be 100% safe, spam, anti-virus, and profanity filters are in place. Parents are responsible for monitoring their child's use of Google Apps, when accessing programs, or using the Internet from home. Students are responsible for their own behavior at all times.

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